Adoptive Families

There is a lot you don’t know about adoption. You’re not sure how it works, you’re not sure how long it’s going to take, and you’re not sure how you’re going to pay for it… but there’s a yes in your heart.

We take that yes and help fill in the gaps. We’ll explain how it works, we’ll walk with you as long as it takes, and we’ll even help you with ideas on how to raise funds. Almost every family that adopts does so with financial help from other people.

If you’ve got a yes in your heart – or even if you’re just in the maybe phase – give us a call. One of our staff will be happy to talk with you.

Affording Adoption

Once people find the yes in their heart to adopt, one of the primary things that they worry about is the cost of adoption.

Zoe’s House is here to help you.  We keep our costs low through the generous gifts of donors.

What does that mean?  The fees we charge are significantly less than normal agencies because like minded people who may not be in a position to adopt right now themselves have given of their finances so that others can.

They do this because life matters.

In addition to our discounted fees, we help you navigate the world of grants and fund-raising. Make no mistake, it will take some work on your part, but you can do this.

Life is worth it.

Are you ready to get started? Take the first step and download our info packet to learn more about our agency and how we can help you in your adoption process.

Download Info Packet